< Highworth Methodist Church

Our Basis of Faith


Highworth Methodist Church is a group of people, of all ages, who believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God and that His life, death and resurrection have meaning and importance for everyone today. We believe that the Bible is God's word and true, and that we can trust the promises it contains. Jesus is alive and God is still active through His Holy Spirit in this world.

As a community we meet regularly to worship God and to learn more from the Bible, and then to live out our lives, corporately and as individuals, in service to God and others. Our membership stands at about one hundred, of all ages and backgrounds.

We fully support the Lighthouse Bookshop, Highworth's Christian book shop and Tourist Information Centre. They can be found on Facebook at The Lighthouse Bookshop

We Believe:

  1. In God the Father: the creator of heaven and earth

  2. In God the Son: Jesus Christ, who is both completely divine and completely human, yet without sin

  3. In God the Holy Spirit: who dwells within every believer and enables us to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ

  4. Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day: thus paying for our sin and defeating death

  5. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, we may be saved from our sin solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ

  6. The Bible is the Word of God - inspired by God and fully trustworthy in all matters of faith and conduct

  7. In the personal, visible return of Jesus Christ in power and glory to establish a new heaven and a new earth


As a Methodist church we adhere to the Deed of Union (1933) which united various Methodist traditions. The Methodist Church also uses the two orthodox Christian creeds: the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed.

The Deed of Union

The Methodist Church claims and cherishes its place in the holy catholic Church which is the Body of Christ. It rejoices in the inheritance of the Apostolic Faith and loyally accepts the fundamental principles of the historic creeds and the Protestant Reformation. It ever remembers that in the Providence of God Methodism was raised up to spread Scriptural Holiness through the land by the proclaimation of the Evangelical Faith and declares its unfaltering resolve to be true to its Divinely appointed mission.

The Doctrines of the Evangelical Faith which Methodism has held from the beginning and still holds are based upon Divine revelation recorded in the Holy Scriptures. The Methodist Church acknowledges this revelation as the supreme rule of faith and practice. These Evangelical Doctrines to which the Preachers of The Methodist Church both Ministers and Laymen are pledged are contained in Wesley's Notes on the New Testament and the first four volumes of his sermons.

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